Bug Catcher Vanessa (Venipede lvl 18, Metapod lvl 18, Combee lvl 18, Pineco lvl 18).Bug Catcher Fierro (Combee lvl 16, Dustox lvl 16, Wurmple lvl 16).Bug Catcher Carlos (Combee lvl 16, Metapod lvl 17, Butterfree lvl 17, Venipede lvl 17).Pkm Trainer Red appears when you try to enter the Gym (Pikachu lvl 18, Riolu lvl 20, Turtwig lvl 18).Running Shoes (received from the guy at the entrance to route 404, when trying to leave town after beating the Gym).TM06 Toxic (from Jessica after beating her and earning the Plain Badge).HM01 Cut (Received from Red after you beat him in battle).Share (Received from the guy in the white coat on the ground level of the University) TM09 Bullet Seed (Woman in the house next to the Pokémon Center).Combee lvl 5-10 (inside the gym, if you walk into the tree with the beehive on it, a wild combee will appear).Treecko/Torchic/Mudkip lvl 10 (Received from the guy in the white coat on the top floor of the University, you need an empty spot in your team for this).Scizor (trade with the guy two houses down from the Pokémon center for a spinarak.).Pokemart (doesn't stock regular pokeballs, only ultraballs).Inhore City Gym (1st Gym, Leader: Jessica, Type: Bug).Map description This area is not described by a map.